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Plugin API

Show the list of plugins supported by FlowSynx System.

Plugins list Api options


This api doesn't have any options.

Calling Plugins list Api

For calling this api, the following details are required to apply:


The options and parameters introduced in the previous section must be included as json data in the request body part.


This api can be called in two ways. If it is without any path, it returns the list of all plugins. But if it contains type, then the list of plugins will be filtered based on the entered type. Currently, the value that can be placed instead of type is only the word Storage.

Now, if we want to have these details in the form of an http api call, open a new terminal and enter the following command:


First of all make sure flowsynx is running.

curl -X GET http://localhost:5860/plugins
curl -X GET http://localhost:5860/plugins/storage

Also you can use Http Api test clients to test this api. Anyway, after executing this api, a result like below will be obtained.

"data": [
"id": "f6304870-0294-453e-9598-a82167ace653",
"type": "FlowSynx.Storage/LocalFileSystem",
"description": "Plugin for local file system management. Local paths are considered as normal file system paths, e.g. /path/to/wherever"
"messages": [],
"succeeded": true

The answer is divided into three data, messages, and succeeded parts. succeeded indicates the status of the execution of this api which is boolean value and can be true or false. messages also indicates the list of possible messages that are returned with the response. data contains the data to be returned.


data part will have a value only when succeeded is true. If succeeded is false, this field will be null.

The information including in the result for this api is described as follows:

id: The guid-based identity for plugin item.
type: The type of plugin item.
description: The description related to the plugin.